The Rounds TableAmol Verma hosts the most listenable Internal Medicine podcast available. Clear and memorable summaries of the latest research. 30 min
Under The InfluenceTerry O'Reilly share stories from the world of advertising. 25 minOld episode's can be purchased from the show's prior name, The Age of Persuasion.
a16zVC firm Andreessen Horowitz interviews experts in technology. 30 min
Exponential WisdomPeter Diamandis & Dan Sullivan explore the impact of exponential trends on different industries. 20 min
99% InvisibleRoman Mars muses on the impact of design on daily life. 20 min
exponentBen Thompson & James Allworth have an in-depth discussion on technology trends. 65 min
WiretapJonathen Goldstein interviews his equally weird friends. (comedy) 27 min
Freakonomics RadioA highly produced classic podcast by Stephen Dubner & Steve Levitt. 45 min
This Week In StartupsJason Calacanis interviews early stage (and late) startup founders. 65 min
Explore the SpaceDr Mark Shapiro interviews a wide breath of experts on topics in healthcare. 35 min
Hospital & Internal Medicine PodcastHigh quality reviews of core medicine subjects by Dr. Porat. 15 min
The Tim Ferris ShowTim Ferris interviews in-depth quite a range of guests. 1-2 hrs