Unlike casinos, hospitals do not really operate 24hrs a day.
The lights dim in the evening, and get quite dark at night. It is not uncommon to see nurses with flashlights when going into patient rooms. In one ICU, the charge nurse would carry a flashlight with us on night rounds.
Installing a light on the rounds computer cart makes sense.
The computer and cart is used to dispense medications off of in early morning or late evening. People write on their paper to-do lists. Even when a hospital is 'fully digital', there is often still a 'paper chart' and paper forms to compete.
This light is a good model: It is USB operated. The arm is flexible. There are three levels of brightness.
[1] Probably two levels of brightness would have been better. Half on and fully on. This reduces the number of clicks on the single button switch to get back to the 'off' position. Three levels of lighting choices is excessive.
[2] The bendable cord is too short. Notice how close it is to the work surface. Hard to get a chart or medication box under there. Either a longer cable should have been bought, or it should have been installed and mounted from underneath the monitor, rather than coming up from the computer tower below. It probably could have been attached underneath the monitor edge in a way that it was entirely out of the way.